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Area of a triangle calculator.

You could easily calculate triangle area by our online calculator.
Find the area of triangle

There are several formulas by which you can calculate triangle's area.

  1. If we know triangle's height and base we could calculate it's area by the next formula:
    Calculate the area of the triangle through the base and height
  2. Also you could calculate triangle's area by using Geron's formula, by which it can be done if you know perimeter or length of all it's legs:
    S= √p(p-a)(p-b)(p-c)
    where p - half-perimeter of triangle
    Calculate the area of a triangle by Heron formula
  3. As well as in examples above you may calculate triangle's area by two legs' length and angle between them:
    S=1/2ab sin(α)
    Calculate the area of the triangle and two sides of the angle between them

The area of the triangle through the base and height

The area of the triangle through the base and height

The area of the triangle through Heron's formula through knowing the perimeter and the length of all sides

The area of the triangle through Heron's formula through knowing the perimeter and the length of all sides

The area of the triangle and two sides of the angle between them

The area of the triangle and two sides of the angle between them